Minggu, 22 Januari 2017

Menengok Jalur Lintas Selatan Kabupaten Malang

Warga Malang yang hobi berpelesir tidak perlu takut-takut lagi akan capek di perjalanan. Hal ini dikarenakan Jalur Lingkar Selatan (JLS) yang menghubungkan antara pantai Sendang Biru yang terletak di Sumber Manjing Wetan dengan pantai Balekambang di daerah Bantur telah selesai dibuat. Akses menuju pantai-pantai di Malang Raya saat ini dapat sangat mudah dilalui dengan adanya JLS. Kondisi jalan yang masih sangat bagus juga lebar dapat diakses oleh berbagai macam kendaraan. Hal ini tentunya memudahkan kita untuk berwisata menuju destinasi wisata di kawasan pantai selatan Kabupaten Malang. 

Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

Public Argumentative Essay : the Amazing Thibbun Nabawi

Thibbun nabawi is a method of medicine that is exemplified by Rasulullah SAW. This method involves simple medicine for many diseases. For many years people believe that drug is the only savior for human’s health. They prefer to consume drugs rather than to use natural sources in order to heal their sickness. However, it is proven that drugs, especially chemical medicine, destroy our body health (Gray: 2010). He writes on his book that the trusted institution like as the world beneficial pharmaceutical factory is cooperating with World Health Organization in order to seize the citizen belief (Rasulullah is My Doctor; 2010); so they will buy the chemical products and consume it. People do this because they belief in the conviction that they will get well soon from their illnesses after buying that drugs. The good news is that we do not have to pay in a great amounts, to struggle in our life with the. We should believe that the safest and the best medicine is that Thibbun Nabawi, the one and only medical treatment that bases on the Koran and hadith. There are three reasons why we should take an action toward Thibbun Nabawi.
Bukhari – (volume 007, book no. 071, hadith no. 622) told by Rafi bin Khadij, “I have heard that Rasulullah SAW said, ‘fever comes from the fire of the hell, so heal that by using water.’’’ The first reason is that the concept of fever in this hadith is found many times earlier rather than human invention to cure fever illness. In the hadith is written that fever comes from the fire of the hell so we must heal it by the helps of water. Then people discover that the effective medicine for fever is that compressing the sufferer by using water. It proves that Thibbun Nabawi is the most effective medicine because it has the basic concept of disease and its medicine method. In surah An-Nahl : 68 it is stated “and your God bestowing you, the bees, “build your own nest in the mountains, in the wood’s trees, and in the place which are built by mankind!’’ this surah explains about the decency of the bees. Allah says that bees can build their homes wherever they want to. Later on it is also discovered that the bees has many pertinences for creature’s life. We can use honey from the bees to cure diarrhea and most importantly it also can heal influenza in stock farm animals such as chicken. Koran and hadith is a great miracle gift and there is no hesitancy about it. It is proven by the information contains on it, after all it is not only the information. It can be shown that the best treatment for fever is to compress it, and bees are useful animals because it conceives honey.
The second reason why we should consider Thibbun Nabawi the best is that it uses cheaper and widely available materials. In thibbun nabawi, we do not have to afford such expensive drugs to cure the sickness. It exploits the power of nature to heal our illness. For example the use of bamboo leaves to expedite the period of women. Besides the affordable materials, thibbun nabawi also does not involving the complicated way to process the concoction. Take for the example, to make our period come in a right time, we only have to boil bamboo leaves, and make it into two cups then drink it in a day. Another example of it is that the use of avocado leaves to cure headache. We have to boil five or seven big avocado leaves from four cups to become two cups. Then throw off the leaves and drink one cup of avocado leaves tea when it is warm. The avocado leaves are used as a natural ponstan to help curing headache (Rasulullah is My Doctor: 2010: p. 161) People who practice this kind of medical treatment do not need to be afraid of not finding the ingredients to concoct, because bamboo leaves and avocado leaves are relatively available in many areas. More importantly, it does not need to be a skill full person to make the concoction. It only uses simple ways to process that medicine. One example is boiling the ingredients.
The third reason why Thibbun Nabawi is special is that it is because it does not have any contra indication for people who undergoing this medical treatment. Unlike chemical medicine, natural medicine is much safer than the chemical one. According to a research in the U.S during 2009, 783,936 people are death caused by conventional drugs consumption (Rasulullah is My Doctor: 2010). We should believe that the chemical bring negative impacts to our body health. The conventional drugs only relief the pain causes by infected part of the body, but this medicine will not drive out the main cause of the illness itself. William Agger, MD, the director and the head of microbiology and contagious disease in Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center, La Crosse Wisconsin, says that 30 million pounds of antibiotic are consumed by human and animal in the U.S. (Rasulullah is My Doctor; p.228). It captures the excessive amount of drug uses in the U.S. So what is the effect of consuming too many drugs? When it comes to our body, it wills toxic our body. When the residue comes out from our body, it will pollute the environment. Have we ever imagined if that substance comes back again to our body? No wonder it will be the main agent which carry the virus that causes cancer and attack our body defense. We should know that natural medication is simpler, more practice, and safer than chemical medication.
Some people may say that thibbun nabawi is untrusted medical treatment because it is not commonly used in our society, but I believe that in the future time people will realize about the meaning of back to nature. We come from nature and we shall go back to nature to reach the betterment of life. Take here for the example by using medical treatment which is exemplified by Rasulullullah SAW. Rasul is the messenger, the one who bring good news to his following’s sake. It is impossible for him to spread the falsehood news. More importantly I myself extremely believe that what nature gives for us is the best gift from God and because of that we shall maintain and exploit the nature in a good way.
Some others people may also say that thibbun nabawi is not really reliable because they still have to process it before using the concoction. For me it is not a big deal to only pick up the materials near from my neighborhood and to process it. It will not spend so much time. It is better to prevent by using traditional concoction rather than to take the chemical medicine. Even if the medicine is so easy to use I will proudly say that I will only take the instant medicine solution if there were no more plants in my surrounding.
Thibbun nabawi is an effective, simple, medical treatment that is bases on Koran and Hadith and exemplified by Rasulullah SAW. Rasulullah SAW is the best model of health people in all era. He only got sick for three times in his lifespan (Rasulullah is My Doctor: 2010: p.9). The use of chemical medicine is really harmful and gives negative impacts for our body health. Therefore, we should imitate the habit of Rasul which uses the aids of nature to help his body getting healthy. More importantly, we should not take the chemical medicine carelessly without thinking about long-terms effect causes by the drugs.

References :
Gray, D. Jerry. (2010). Rasulullah is My Doctor. Jakarta: Kelompok Gema Insani.

Toulmin Model Essay : Educational System in Indonesia

Educational System in Indonesia

            Indonesia is a country that the population is the fourth largest in the world. Indonesia’s population is 249 million people and the density is 130 per sq. km. It is the archipelago country that has many islands located separately one another. The distribution of the islands and population in Indonesia is so unbalanced that in fact it affects the education and its development in Indonesia. Java Island is the largest population among all. Development and education is all centered there. It makes citizen from another island draw an opposed argument against education in Indonesia. They feel that the education in Indonesia is far from good and the distribution is unfair. Before we going further let us take some aspects of Indonesia educational system so that we know how it works and how good it is.
The basic law of education in Indonesia is stated on the preambule of UUD 1945. It is stated in the paragraph IV that one of the object and the duty of a country is to enlighten the nations by the help of knowledge. Another basic law is stated in the UUD 1945 section 31 sub-section (1) stated that “every citizen has their own right to get the education” and sub-section (3) emphasized that “government carry on the organizing of one system national education, in the purpose of enlightening the nation’s world by the helped of education which has stated on the preambule of UUD”. UU no. 20 year 2003 about educational system in Indonesia is stated the renewal of vision and mission national education. It consists of 77 articles which straighten up general terms, basic, function, and the purpose of educational system. The principal of implementation, the citizenship rights and obligations, parents and societal, the educated member, stratum stripe and sorts of educational, language escort, national educational standard, curriculum, teacher and staffs, tools and infrastructures, educational financing, educational management, society’s active participant in educational process, certification and evaluation accreditation, the conviction of educational unity, educational organizing for another national institution, controlling, law terms, shift terms and closing terms are all stated in UU no.20 year 2003.
Indonesia practices stratum system on its education. The first stratum is kindergarten for children under six years. Usually in the kindergarten children are trained for two years. The orientation of its study is that children learning and playing joyously. Then primary school is available for children above six years. In primary school they need at least six years to accomplish. The first year they come to the first grade, the second year they come to the second grade and the end of their year in primary school is in the sixth year. The main clue for primary high school is that pupils are trained to compete and understand what the school world means. Learning process and group working is an essential part of this study stage since it will determine how they will act to their next stage. After qualifying primary school Indonesian students must continue their study in junior high school. Here in junior high they have to study for three years. Several years ago the first, second, and third had been changed become the seventh, eight, and nine grade. When they graduated from junior high they still have to study in senior high school. As well as junior high, senior high school also estimates three years time to finish. The main hint of this study stage is that students are prepared to be an independent, undependable human who ready to compete in the real world. The stratum system is aimed to educate students to know where his position is and to learn appreciating the strata given. It does not come naturally when the students want to ascend to the next ladder, they have to study hard. If they do not study, no wonder they will left behind in their current grade. The following section will provide a chart that is explain about strata system in Indonesia education.

Grade From
Grade To
Age From
Age To

Kindergarten - Taman Kanak-kanak


Sekolah Dasar (SD) (literally Elementary School)

Middle School - "SMP" (Sekolah Menengah Pertama)

Middle School - "SMP" (Sekolah Menengah Pertama)

High School - "SMA" (Sekolah Menengah Atas) and SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan)


University level first stage: Sarjana (S1)

Sarjana followed by Subject Degree

Associates Degree - Ahli Madya Diploma 3


University level second stage: Magister (Strata Dua) (S2)

Magister (Strata Dua)

University level third stage: Doktor (Strata Tiga) (S3)

Highest award conferred in Indonesia universities or institutes.
The next feature of educational system in Indonesia is that it contains local contents for all Indonesian students such as civic education, and Javanese. These local contains have purpose to enhance the culture through learning process. Nowadays, the students morality degradation is being the major concerned for all citizens. Either teacher, students or society are responsible for in this apprehensive case. Why is it happens/ the question is often arouse in our mind. The only possible word to overcome this inquiry is that it is because our students do not know who they are. Through local contents, the students are taught Javanese, bahasa and civic education. It aids them to acquiring the culture that has been so long burying in the mind of shrewd. We have to spread our valuable treasures; which are culture, ideology, and values; to the young generation in order to make Indonesia better place. Javanese and Bahasa is so much attaching with the culture of our nation. We have to know what the origin of our mother tongue is and how can it be that. We have to know about the history of our nations. One famous saying from Soekarno says that “a big nation is a nation which respects its history”. I truly agree with this saying because when we know a lot about our country and its history, we will know how to act. The sacrifice of our hero will be our guideline to flaunt in a good ways. Civic education deals with ideology and nation’s view. The Pancasila view of Indonesia suits the view of its nations. Eastern people hold on firmly in the polite behavior and solidarity among citizen. It is still consider a taboo thing when we do not act according to prevail manner. Having sex before marriage is considered to be the contravening the morality norms. When we study civic we will know a lot about norms and ideology that obtains on each nation.
Some people may say that the educational system in Indonesia is unfair enough well it is true for the development in Indonesia is still ongoing. The government will expend on its energy to enlighten the Indonesian world by the help of knowledge as it is stated in the UUD preambule paragraph IV. More importantly, Indonesia has valid basic law to bring welfare of education on its nations like as stated in the UU no.20 year 2003 and UUD no. 31. We do not need to take so much worry about education in Indonesia since they are still several things that we can be proud of education in Indonesia. The minister of basic and mid educational and cultural of Indonesia, Anies Baswedan, rolled out the good news for educational and cultural condition of Indonesia in the friendship event among all minister of basic and mid educational and cultural in Indonesia. He stated six major positive of educational in Indonesia which are: (1) the quantity of primary education in Indonesia is increasing four times for the time that Indonesia has its own independence. In 2014, the total of primary school in Indonesia is 148,061, mid school 36,210, and vocational high school is 25,580. (2) the quantity of Indonesian children who get accessed of basic and mid education is always increasing. 26,119,000 Indonesian children get accessed of basic/primary education, 9,901,000 get accessed to the mid education. (3) the awareness of basic education is also increasing. The rate of Indonesian children participation in basic education is increasing from 75% in 1975’s, had became 95% in 2014’s. (4) the elimination of  letter illiterates is do works. If in independence era, 95% society in Indonesia is illiterate, now is only 8% (in 2011), (5) the quantity of higher education students is increasing 10 times comparing with the year of 1970’s. in 2007’s the quantity of higher education students is 3,5 billion people. (6) the Indonesia’s good performance in global stage is stealing international attention. For example the capacity of innovation is on the rate of 28 it is equal with New Zealand and better than spain and Hong Kong; inefficiency of government expenditure, in the rate of 34 is equally the same with Taiwan and better that German, England, and Israel; the government regulation liabilities is in the rate 36, as same as Luxemburg and much better than Austria and Holland. (http://news.liputan6.com/read/2143387/potret-pendidikan-indonesia-yang-bisa-dibanggakan)
            Educational system in Indonesia is a perfect system which has valid law and great method. The use of strata system is one example of the methods in educational system of Indonesia. It also contains local contents to help guiding students acquiring and understand about their personal traits which is so closely related to the culture. We do not need to take so much worried about education and educational system in Indonesia. For it have vivid law and purpose to prevail in this modern and globalization era. We should support our government to carry out the education and its system in this complicated situation. We have to stand together, stand in our belief; not to be drowning in this modernization era and forgetting who we are.

References :

Academic Persuasive Essay : the Importance of Child Sex Education

 The Importance of Child Sex Education

Talking about sex in early childhood is still a controversial issue among society in Indonesia. Mostly think that it is inappropriate to talk about vital organ which are truly a big secret for them. They also afraid that instead of giving vivid boundary about sex, they will mislead their children because they do not really know how are the best way to tell about sex to their children. Children are little curious creatures which are interested in anything around them including sex. However, they get less information about sex. Here, parents take a very important role in order to educate their children. Giving sex education to their children is one of responsibilities that they have to take off. Parents should give the right information about sex because child sex education is very important to children. There are three benefits of talking sex education to children in terms of children development.
The first benefit of talking child sex education is that it helps children understand how their body changes. According to Pedus, the co-founder of Child Aid Survival and Development International (CASDI), sex education aids the children to get the information that they need in order to understand their body and to act right towards the role that they have to do whether it is being ‘real-male’ or ‘female’. The basic education comes from the smallest unit in the society; in this case family. By giving sex education to the children, parents aim their children to behave in a right way. Parents teach about gender, vital organ and its function to their children. They have to explain that there are only two genders which are male and female. They also have to explain that sexuality is a normal thing that every people will experience these kinds of things. As children grow up, there will be some changes in the certain parts of their body. Such as grow up of the breasts for girls and the six pack chest for boys. Human beings need the reproduction tools to content their sexual proclivity, which so why as they grow older there will be some shapes and functions changes in the certain parts of the body. Parents should explain for instance about the changes of the breasts for woman is needed since it uses to feed their future babies. While the six pack chest for man is needed for man is the one who have responsibility to gain the basic necessity of life (to work).   
The second benefit of giving child sex education is that it prevents children to reap the wrong information about sexuality. According to an essay posted in www.aboutkidshealth.ca, a blog of a hospital for sick children in Canada, not communicating about sex among children and parents is likely lead the children to be in an uncontrolled condition. When parents do not talk about sex to their children, they will find the information about sex by themselves. They will access the Internet and surf that cyber space without any supervision from their parents. Then in the Internet they will possibly access everything includes adult sites. The information in the Internet is untrusted; moreover when it is seen by children, they will probably draw the incorrect interpretation about sex. Additionally children having little information about sex are disposed to talk about it to their friends. They will ask and discuss with their friends of the same age about sex. It is indeed very dangerous because they are certainly having insufficient knowledge about sexuality; and they will mislead each other. Children are group of under aged people who have not reached the maturity of thinking skill. That is why by giving the basic knowledge of sex education is critical since it protects children not to gain the incorrect information about sex.
The third benefit of communicating child sex education is that it strengthens the relationship among parents and children. According to Student Health Service Department of Health, communicating sex with children can help to maintain a close-knit relationship among parents and children, besides it also helps to build a basic interaction to the children future sake. When parents and children talking about sex, instead of only giving information, they will also let their children to ask about anything which are not understandable. Parents and children are communicating intensively in order to reach the equal understanding. Parents expect the children to get the idea of their explanation; but it is likely that children will not stop asking. They will be much more curious and ask whatever they want to. This condition provides the children a good opportunity to share about their opinion with the parents. While on the other hand, parents try to answer all questions which are inquired by their children. Unconsciously, parents and children do an effective communicating. As the effect, parents will feel appreciate because their children seems to interested in the information about sex and children will feel being loved because their parents care about them. An effective communication is a major thing which is needed to build the interaction among children and parents. By communicating sex, children and parents will be the two crucial roles who are intended to start building the basic interaction.
Talking about sex is imperative for children. It helps children understand their body changes, prevents children to reap wrong information, and also help them to maintain a good relationship with their parents. Parents take a very serious role in this case. They should educate their children about sexuality by giving the correct information. More importantly, parents should not be afraid of talking something which is stereotypically reputed as a taboo thing. They also have to change their mindset that as time goes by; talking child sex education is indeed needed in this globalization era.