System in Indonesia
Indonesia is a country that the population
is the fourth
largest in the world. Indonesia’s population is 249 million people and the
density is 130 per sq. km. It is the archipelago country that has many islands located
separately one another. The distribution of the islands and population in
Indonesia is so unbalanced that in fact it affects the education and its
development in Indonesia. Java Island is the largest population among all.
Development and education is all centered there. It makes citizen from another
island draw an opposed argument against education in Indonesia. They feel that
the education in Indonesia is far from good and the distribution is unfair.
Before we going further let us take some aspects of Indonesia educational
system so that we know how it works and how good it is.
basic law of education in Indonesia is stated on the preambule of UUD 1945. It is stated in the paragraph IV that one of
the object and the duty of a country is to enlighten the nations by the help of
knowledge. Another basic law is stated in the UUD 1945 section 31 sub-section
(1) stated that “every citizen has their own right to get the education” and
sub-section (3) emphasized that “government carry on the organizing of one
system national education, in the purpose of enlightening the nation’s world by
the helped of education which has stated on the preambule of UUD”. UU no. 20 year 2003 about educational system in
Indonesia is stated the renewal of vision and mission national education. It
consists of 77 articles which straighten up general terms, basic, function, and
the purpose of educational system. The principal of implementation, the
citizenship rights and obligations, parents and societal, the educated member,
stratum stripe and sorts of educational, language escort, national educational
standard, curriculum, teacher and staffs, tools and infrastructures, educational
financing, educational management, society’s active participant in educational
process, certification and evaluation accreditation, the conviction of
educational unity, educational organizing for another national institution,
controlling, law terms, shift terms and closing terms are all stated in UU
no.20 year 2003.
practices stratum system on its education. The first stratum is kindergarten
for children under six years. Usually in the kindergarten children are trained
for two years. The orientation of its study is that children learning and
playing joyously. Then primary school is available for children above six
years. In primary school they need at least six years to accomplish. The first
year they come to the first grade, the second year they come to the second
grade and the end of their year in primary school is in the sixth year. The
main clue for primary high school is that pupils are trained to compete and
understand what the school world means. Learning process and group working is an
essential part of this study stage since it will determine how they will act to
their next stage. After qualifying primary school Indonesian students must
continue their study in junior high school. Here in junior high they have to
study for three years. Several years ago the first, second, and third had been
changed become the seventh, eight, and nine grade. When they graduated from
junior high they still have to study in senior high school. As well as junior
high, senior high school also estimates three years time to finish. The main
hint of this study stage is that students are prepared to be an independent,
undependable human who ready to compete in the real world. The stratum system
is aimed to educate students to know where his position is and to learn
appreciating the strata given. It does not come naturally when the students
want to ascend to the next ladder, they have to study hard. If they do not
study, no wonder they will left behind in their current grade. The following
section will provide a chart that is explain about strata system in Indonesia
Grade From
Grade To
Age From
Age To
Kindergarten - Taman
Sekolah Dasar (SD) (literally
Elementary School)
Middle School -
"SMP" (Sekolah Menengah Pertama)
Middle School -
"SMP" (Sekolah Menengah Pertama)
High School - "SMA"
(Sekolah Menengah Atas) and SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan)
University level first stage:
Sarjana (S1)
Sarjana followed by Subject
Associates Degree - Ahli Madya
Diploma 3
University level second stage:
Magister (Strata Dua) (S2)
Magister (Strata Dua)
University level third stage:
Doktor (Strata Tiga) (S3)
Highest award conferred in
Indonesia universities or institutes.
The next feature of educational system in Indonesia
is that it contains local contents for all Indonesian students such as civic
education, and Javanese. These local contains have purpose to enhance the
culture through learning process. Nowadays, the students morality degradation
is being the major concerned for all citizens. Either teacher, students or
society are responsible for in this apprehensive case. Why is it happens/ the
question is often arouse in our mind. The only possible word to overcome this
inquiry is that it is because our students do not know who they are. Through
local contents, the students are taught Javanese,
bahasa and civic education. It aids
them to acquiring the culture that has been so long burying in the mind of
shrewd. We have to spread our valuable treasures; which are culture, ideology,
and values; to the young generation in order to make Indonesia better place. Javanese and Bahasa is so much attaching with the culture of our nation. We have
to know what the origin of our mother tongue is and how can it be that. We have
to know about the history of our nations. One famous saying from Soekarno says
that “a big nation is a nation which respects its history”. I truly agree with
this saying because when we know a lot about our country and its history, we
will know how to act. The sacrifice of our hero will be our guideline to flaunt
in a good ways. Civic education deals with ideology and nation’s view. The Pancasila view of Indonesia suits the
view of its nations. Eastern people hold on firmly in the polite behavior and
solidarity among citizen. It is still consider a taboo thing when we do not act
according to prevail manner. Having sex before marriage is considered to be the
contravening the morality norms. When we study civic we will know a lot about
norms and ideology that obtains on each nation.
Some people may say that the
educational system in Indonesia is unfair enough well it is true for the
development in Indonesia is still ongoing. The government will expend on its
energy to enlighten the Indonesian world by the help of knowledge as it is
stated in the UUD preambule paragraph
IV. More importantly, Indonesia has valid basic law to bring welfare of
education on its nations like as stated in the UU no.20 year 2003 and UUD no.
31. We do not need to take so much worry about education in Indonesia since
they are still several things that we can be proud of education in Indonesia.
The minister of basic and mid educational and cultural of Indonesia, Anies
Baswedan, rolled out the good news for educational and cultural condition of
Indonesia in the friendship event among all minister of basic and mid
educational and cultural in Indonesia. He stated six major positive of
educational in Indonesia which are: (1) the quantity of primary education in
Indonesia is increasing four times for the time that Indonesia has its own
independence. In 2014, the total of primary school in Indonesia is 148,061, mid
school 36,210, and vocational high school is 25,580. (2) the quantity of
Indonesian children who get accessed of basic and mid education is always
increasing. 26,119,000 Indonesian children get accessed of basic/primary
education, 9,901,000 get accessed to the mid education. (3) the awareness of
basic education is also increasing. The rate of Indonesian children
participation in basic education is increasing from 75% in 1975’s, had became
95% in 2014’s. (4) the elimination of
letter illiterates is do works. If in independence era, 95% society in
Indonesia is illiterate, now is only 8% (in 2011), (5) the quantity of higher
education students is increasing 10 times comparing with the year of 1970’s. in
2007’s the quantity of higher education students is 3,5 billion people. (6) the
Indonesia’s good performance in global stage is stealing international
attention. For example the capacity of innovation is on the rate of 28 it is
equal with New Zealand and better than spain and Hong Kong; inefficiency of
government expenditure, in the rate of 34 is equally the same with Taiwan and
better that German, England, and Israel; the government regulation liabilities
is in the rate 36, as same as Luxemburg and much better than Austria and
Holland. (
system in Indonesia is a perfect system which has valid law and great method.
The use of strata system is one example of the methods in educational system of
Indonesia. It also contains local contents to help guiding students acquiring
and understand about their personal traits which is so closely related to the
culture. We do not need to take so much worried about education and educational
system in Indonesia. For it have vivid law and purpose to prevail in this
modern and globalization era. We should support our government to carry out the
education and its system in this complicated situation. We have to stand
together, stand in our belief; not to be drowning in this modernization era and
forgetting who we are.
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